
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Inside and Outside

In winter, by necessity, I draw from inside, looking out. It's an opportunity to have a landscape and a still life in one image. All three of these drawings were done here in Cedar Falls, Iowa, since the start of 2012.

 I drew this today. On the sill of our kitchen window, my husband is keeping a few of the shellbark hickory nuts he picked up in the fall.  Outside, parked cars and snow.

In January, from inside the University of Northern Iowa greenhouse, looking out to a leafless tree.

From our second floor bedroom window, looking out to the trees and snow across the street. My husband was having a hard day (aka cabin fever). In this case, a landscape and portrait combined.


  1. Replies
    1. THANKS, Ontheroad. It’s fun to string together drawings and find their commonality.

  2. Lovely to see snow - yes lovely because we haven't had our first inch yet! It is probably going to arrive Sunday night.

    1. There’s been snow here, yes, but remarkably little. We could use a new layer to freshen up what’s on the ground. Less snow means less roof racking, which is a real relief. Where do you live, Jeanette?

  3. Nice series, I really love the cactus!

    1. Thanks, Barbara. Your field trip to the Conservatory was akin to mine to the cactus greenhouse--a welcome way to step inside to another climate zone.
