
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Quilting Run to Burlingame, KS

Had more rural urban sketching today. Wilma needed a quilting supply run to a small town southwest of here. Burlingame, Kansas. Population: 1017. I decided to tag along and get some sketching time. Some of these small communities have succeeded in making little havens, while others are wilting away. Burlingame has a neat little down town area with parking in the middle of the street. They have a satellite Allen County Community College campus (a few buildings). We ate at Aunt B's restaurant where they make about everything from scratch. 

Noodler's Ahab flex-nib with Noodler's Lexington Gray. Then watercolor pencils and waterbrush. Velin Arches text woven.


  1. You’ve pegged this Main Street, small Midwestern town. Could be Iowa. BTW, I was born in Manhattan. I lived there until I was 8 years old.

    1. Thanks, Marcia. I've driven through Iowa a few times and, now that you mention it, small towns in both states have a similar feel. A Manhattanite?

    2. I was born during the Great Flood of 1951 that led to the construction of the Tuttle Creek Dam. My father, a biochemist at KSU was researching gluten in wheat and its affect on bread making, at the time. His laboratory was therefore a bakery. The flood covered most of downtown Manhattan, including the commercial bakeries. My family lore is that my father’s lab made the town’s bread during the disaster. A Manhattanite, eh? After we moved to NY, my mother called me Sunflower Girl.

  2. What fun, John! I love it that Wilma quilts and so gives her an excuse to join us on sketchcrawls. Have you been to the quilt shop in Corbin Mill in Liberty yet? (Assuming it's still there...) LOTS of great sketching in Liberty...

    1. Thanks for the heads up on Liberty's quilt store. We haven't hit that yet, but we'll put it on the list to do. Thanks.

  3. I haven't been there for a long time, I'll check next time we're in Liberty and let you know!
