
Monday, April 9, 2012

Portico, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis

Now preserved as a garden feature in the Temperate House, this classical stone portico was the entrance to St. Leo’s Catholic School built in 1902.  According to the info on a nearby wall plaque the school was on Mullanphy Street  and was demolished in 1978. Thankfully the elegant  portico was salvaged by the Saint Louis Architectural Art Company. Although the day was unseasonably warm it was too windy to attempt sketching outdoors. I commandeered an empty bench, broke out my supplies and sketched this sunny but completely indoors scene.

Portico, Missouri Botanical Garden, 02/28/2012, Michael Anderson, waterbrush, watercolor, 7″ x 9″, Canson 140lb cold press.


  1. What a great re-purposing for an architectural artifact. What a pleasant place to take refuge from the wind. Nice one!

  2. I'm so glad they saved the arch, Michael! We've got Architectural Salvage up here, they do the same sort of thing--wonderful to see things re-purposed. Beautiful sketch, I'd love to see it.

  3. Thanks for your comments Marcia & Kate. m

  4. I love how you captured the feeling of the light.
