
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

There were many veterans present for the Memorial Day ceremony at the Legion Post, but this old gentleman in his original uniform really caught my eye.  Behind him is a small part of the crowd.
My husband is in the Honor Guard, and I always try to get at least one sketch of the guys as they stand at parade rest.

It was a touching ceremony, but my favorite part was afterward, when I got to talk to some of the old vets...the sailor among them who saw four tours of duty on as many destroyers. 

The men were so willing to share their stories--I wish I had had all day to just sit and listen. 


  1. Fine portrait of the white haired sailor.

  2. Beautiful and sincere, Kate! We had an event at the military cemetery here in Chicago too, I thought of going and sketching, but didn't for no specific reason. Regret it now. Will enjoy your sketches even more for that.

    1. I always go since my husband is in the Honor Guard, Alex, but I'm always glad I did. This time, honoring the Purple Heart recipients from a number of conflicts, gave me the chance to talk to many of them, and thank them for their willingness to stand between us and danger.
