
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back Alleys

My sketch, done with a Hero pen on S & B Beta paper...FUN line variation
And this is where I've stopped...
I really enjoy the almost universal feel of back alleys.  This is the back of an apartment building in my town.  I've sketched the front before, but I really love that back view, with balconies, staircases, potted plants, could almost be anywhere!

I wanted to keep it simple, so stopped before I killed the sparkle or got it all muddy...

You can see more step-by-step stuff on that sketch on our Artist's Journal Workshop blog!


  1. Absolutely beautiful Kate! The color really adds so much depth to this piece. The white space you've left is perfect and you've achieved a wonderful balance!

  2. Thanks, Don! Sometimes it's hard to remind myself to STOP.

  3. I loved it as line drawing and I love it with color! Back views are most interesting!

  4. This could me an alley in my neighborhood. I love the thoughts behind the stages that you posted on Artist Journal Workshop.
