
Friday, August 31, 2012

Bandstand, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis

I spent several Sundays this summer sketching in Tower Grove Park with other Missouri Plein Painters Association artists. I have been working in watercolor in panoramic format with the idea that I would later develop these sketches into much larger studio paintings. This pavilion is the site of weekly band concerts throughout the summer as well as a popular spot for weddings. I have sketched here many times before but not from this side with the landscaped island in the foreground. The colorful scene seemed to lend itself to the page design and I completed it on location in about 2 hours, a bit longer than what is considered a typical "sketch."

Victorian Pavilion, Bandstand, Tower Grove Park, 07/15/2012, Michael Anderson, watercolor on Arches 140lb cold press, 8" x 23".


  1. Wow!! This is wonderful Michael! The layers, textures, colors, etc. are all amazing! I really like the way you've done the foliage.

  2. This is just delightful, Michael! The style is wonderful, fresh and exciting.

  3. Thanks so much for your great comments Don & Kate. Much appreciation.

  4. Ah, the continued discussion/confusion/controversy as to what is a sketch versus a drawing. I routinely take 1-1/2 to 2 hours on one of my 13 X11 Neocolors. I like what you have here very, very much: your signature marks, the detail, the muted late-summer greens with the jolts of magenta. Is that Opera Rose?

  5. Marcia, The more "real estate" you have to cover the more time it takes right? I often say that time is an illusion. Sometimes hours can seem like a few minutes you are drawing, painting, working on a computer, etc. Thanks for your nice comment & yes that is Opera Rose. m

  6. Lovely color choice of Opera Rose for the roof. Spectacular!

  7. Thx Brian. Hope you had a great summer & to see you soon, m
