
Friday, August 24, 2012

Urban Sketching in the City Market, KC

We were seated right in front of the big windows at The Farmhouse, which in fact ISN'T, it's a wonderful restaurant in the City Market area...right where I had a great view of this ornate building.

Fortunately, I didn't have too much time, so only suggested the design under the roofline...I got out the Hero pen and laid down some quick squiggles.

This is the next floor down...they don't make buildings like that any more!
Trying various graphite pencils, water-soluble and non-soluble.  The cityscape is the other direction from the building above...


  1. I love the range of value you got with the graphite. One of your (many) talents is how much information you put on a page without it ever appearing overworked. I think it's comparable to having perfect pitch. Well anyway, with the graphite sketch, each of the vignettes is a shining star and the whole page is so dynamic.

  2. Thank you so much, Marcia! I love sketching in graphite, forever looking for the Perfect Pencil or hardness...right now I'm using an ancient Berol Turquoise 2B I found in a mug of other tools.

  3. I have been looking at the Hero pens. Is there a particular model you are using?

  4. Actually this is the nib from a Hero M-86 stuck in a lightweight Noodler's Creaper pen, but I also have a 501-1 that's nice, and a very inexpensive 8 Horses (yes, that's the name!)

  5. Marcia is right. You always know when to stop. Perfect.

    1. Usually when the food comes or I run out of time, Barbara!
