
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Vacation at a Glance

Family vacations are the highlight of my year, but I generally struggle with keeping up with both the family activities AND sketching.  This grid was my attempt to do a little of both.  Quick sketches were done in ink and then details and color were added later at leisure.  We divided our time between visiting a friend who's recently moved to the area and camping at the Lake of the Ozarks State Park.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  They have never allowed hunting there so the animals were perfectly happy to share space with us.  A family of deer trooped through each morning about 6:30, our favorite turtle came to say hello around 8am and a friendly armadillo hung out with us for over an hour!  We rode horses, went cave exploring and hiked some of the trails.  The cabins were quaint and though they didn't have running water, they DID have air conditioning.  (An extremely important detail during 100+ degree days.)  We had a fabulous time.


  1. Neat! What a great souvenir of your vacation-right down to the weather! I love the idea of the grid. I often use pre- drawn boxes to give me a quick start.

  2. Oh, the grid worked wonderfully with your time pressure! LOVE.

  3. Neat format! Rich details. Wonderful way to keep a travel sketchbook.

  4. I am part of an art group and some of the ideas that I have just begun to glean from Urban Sketchers is so neat. Going to pass them on as I see them.
    I actually began buying the Urban Sketchers Books about a year ago and have several in my collection. Oh how I wish to go to some of those places to do likewise. But, cannot with old age and stoved up with Arthur and Aches a new group. (Come to think of it I think I will design Arthur and Aches into a sketch). But, there are so many things just around my house that are drawable and could really make a great journal. I love the Icon idea of making your name into a drawing and using it to sign your work. The Calendar grid great way to abbreviate your days and still do something.
