
Friday, August 10, 2012

Visiting sketcher

The Bean - Millennium Park, Chicago

USK Chicago have hosted our first visiting Urban Sketcher! Miriam Ben from Munich Germany was in Chicago for work and went sketching with us.

We took her to sketch to Millennium Park, to The Bean. Officially it is Cloud Gate sculpture, but I don't know any Chicagoan who uses this official name.

Miriam, it was wonderful meeting you!

Here we are sketching.

Alex, Miriam, LuEllen, Martha and Barbara

And here we seem to have doubled in number!

USK Next Generation: Giola, Lucia, Robin and Pablo

A group of kids got very interested in what we were doing. Pablo discovered us first, but wanted to keep this discovery to himself. He kept sending the rest of the kids back their parents. But Giola, Lucia and Robin would not be deterred and milled around. Then they wanted to draw with us. Sheets of paper and pencils were produced and shared, and we were in business! Then Lucia wanted to paint! Then the others wanted to paint! No problem! Paint we all did.

Miriam was fast and made a delightful sketch of the young artists.

Our sketchbooks

Tourists photographed us several times as a local curiosity: "Look, Mike! Chicago artists! Quick, take my photo with them!" :)


  1. I'd love to see the bean! And I love group shots like this, thank you for posting, Alex. It's exciting that the kids wanted to join you.

  2. This is so cool, today in the morning in news they were talking about this sculpture and sculptor, I got trilled that I saw it before in Alex's drawing.
