
Monday, October 15, 2012

Closed for Business

I sketched these buildings in downtown Battle Creek from the top level of the parking ramp across the street. While drawing I had to keep a tight hold on my sketch book to keep it from being blown off the wall I was standing next to. Adding a twist of humor to the entire outing, I had to assure a parking ramp employee that I wasn't planning to jump.

On the sad side, all the stores that once called each of these building home is now long gone.


  1. What a great perch you had. It must have been an Indian summer day for you to be outside and high up like that. Great old storefronts. It's hard to see this kind of empty store decline. Well drawn!

  2. Oh, this is fun, Dave! I sketched from the 3rd floor in Weston once, buildings of about this era. Love the different viewpoint!
