
Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Fiesta Outside--Comfy Chair Inside

Fall Fiesta from 2nd Floor Window
When a straight-line windstorm toppled two seventy-five-year-old maples three years ago in the front of our house, we planted a Fall Fiesta maple to replace them. My husband and I love this new little tree and revel when its leaves turn their full brilliance.

Fall Fiesta in Porch Window
Fall Fiesta in Porch Window
Working on a watercolor block, I roughed in the composition first with water soluble graphite, applied with a brush. Then came the Neocolor II water soluble wax pastels.

To the right: a watercolor of the same tree, seen through a first floor window, done 2 years ago:

This is my husband's favorite chair:
Nighttime Easy Chair
Nighttime Easy Chair
House Across Clay Street
House Across Clay
 And a winter, night view from the same      window of the house across the street.


  1. These are all wonderful. I especially love the painting from 2 years ago. I can really feel the space for the rooms. I also love the comfy sketch of the comfy chair.

    1. Thank you, James! The "Fall Fiesta in Porch Window" is one of my personal favorites from the past couple years. It's the only one of my more recent drawings that I've framed. It hangs in my dining room. Eventually, it will hang in my daughter's home (when she settles down and doesn't live in miniscule, student housing apartments). Above the partially shown forward, right, striped chair is a partially shown clay mask of a tree spirit that she made in junior high. I mention this because you speak of your kids when you post images, too.

  2. Love the color of the Fall Fiesta Maple! I really enjoy seeing the different points of view and times in these drawings. Nice post layout too!

    1. This time of year, with its vibrant fall color, is heart-achingly thrilling and fleeting. This morning, after posting last night, I awoke to wind and rain. Half of the leaves on the little maple have fallen. Glad I did this yesterday when it was bright and calm.

      My house is one of my muses. It was fun to link these images in one post. I'm tickled you like the layout. It took a bit of doing. Coming from you, a designer and one who impeccably designs each sketchbook spread, I'm especially honored by your comment.

  3. Marcia really like the sketch of the easy chair and especially like the sketch "Fall Fiesta in Porch Window." Both have a really neat comfortable feeling to them. Bravo!

    1. Thanks, Dave! Our house has so many places of comfort. In the 26 years of living here, I've never gotten cabin fever.
