
Thursday, November 22, 2012

From the same window, again and again

Early this morning, before the wonderful craziness of cooking, eating and sharing that is Thanksgiving Day, I painted two watercolor versions of the same view--the morning sky over the rooftops--from my second floor bedroom window.

Sky Above Rooftops Thanksgiving Morning

I worked in tandem on 2 individual sheets of watercolor paper--the top one on cold press and the bottom on hot press. I've been experimenting with water soluble graphite, applied with a brush, for quick, out-and-about sketches. This time I used watercolor and the water soluble graphite on larger works.

I've done other drawings from this window. I guess it's one of my favorite perches to look out on the world from. 

One in summer and another in winter, both including the rooftops you might identify in the above: 

Pink Sky Hot Day
Snow Covered Rooftops


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Nice work. I like the way your brush strokes capture the personality of autumn.

    1. The look of the trees now, without their leaves, the color coming from the subtle earth tones at their tiniest outer branches, is what motivated me to paint these. Your comment is validating. Thank you for looking in and commenting, Maywyn. And I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

  2. These are wonderful, Marcia. I think we often overlook subjects like this--too often I hear artists say they can't think of anything to paint, but beauty is out there, everywhere. I've painted the view from my bedroom window over and over, as well...

    1. Beautifully stated, Kate. I think of it, too, as part of my Zen-like belief of inhabiting each moment--fullness and specialness is wherever you cast your eyes. Hmmm.... The Bedroom Drawings--sounds like that might make an interesting collection.

    2. The Bedroom Drawings...why do I suspect there would be a lot of disappointed or confused viewers... :-D

      I get excited about the way the light falls on my bathroom lavatory's faucets, or the shadows of the curtains...there IS beauty in the moment.

    3. "disappointed or confused viewers"--how delicious!

  3. Neat sequence sketches. Interesting to see the season changes and the snow. We drove home through the snow yesterday on our way back from our daughter's house.

    1. Thanks, Dave! Snow! None here in Iowa yet, just cold. (I had to travel to North Carolina to experience snow for the 1st time this season).

  4. I'm a firm believer in the magic of the ordinary. These sketches are great. I can feel the temperature in all of them!

    1. "Magic of the ordinary"--count me in on that! Thanks, Barbara. There is a soft coolness to that time when the autumn colors are gone but before the hard edged, inescapable winter coldness sets in.
