
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Urban landscape, Forest Park, St. Louis

Soon sketching outdoors with watercolors is not going to work. Today though temps reached 50 degrees F and when the sun was shining it was very comfortable. This small sketch was inspired by the view looking north from the Old Stable Bridge in Forest Park. There are several spots in the park where the foliage and dense undergrowth are not "maintained". At first glance it is difficult to remember that one is in the city with mass transit lines, interstate highways and urban development just a few blocks away.

"Urban Landscape, Forest Park, St. Louis, 11/25/2012", Michael Anderson, 4" x 7", watercolor on Canson Montval, 140lb cold press.


  1. Lovely feel of a natural haven in the metropolis. Glassy water & reflection, beautiful range of value from lightest most distant trees to dark blue evergreen in the mid-distance, your signature marks, gem-like colors--all makes for a precious, end-of-season work.

    1. Thank you Marcia for your beautiful description of the sketch. So nice. Much appreciation, m

  2. I love seeing that even the urban environment has these small pockets of natural beauty. Thank you for sharing, Michael!

    1. I think it is very cool that some of the grounds are left to be wild. This is where the wildlife and water fowl flourish.Thanks for your comment Kate!

  3. I didn't realize this was within a city until I read what you'd written. You said "sketching"... do you use watercolor pencils? Very good work... really evokes that feeling of Fall.

    1. Thank you Aloquin! I paint directly into my sketch book without preliminary line work. However one of my favorite artist quotes is from an accomplished watercolorist who described his preliminary contour pencil sketch as "the skeleton on which I hang my colors". That little bit of direction is enlightening!

    2. Wow, I had nevr heard that before, but I definitely agree... that quote makes so much sense. Who said it, if you don't mind my asking?

    3. I believe I read that quote in a magazine article about Joel Zbukvic. He has incredible technique & frequently paints on location. He shares many of insights about watercolor painting on his website. Inspiring!

    4. Correction: JOSEPH Zbukvic, link is to short you tube video of a master at work.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Barbara! I added fresh paint to my field box before I started this sketch.

  5. Nice and peaceful...beautiful reflections.
