
Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Eve Eve-Eve sketch, St. Louis

Despite the holiday rush I knew I just had to make some time to do some sketching when I saw that the St. Louis Drawing & Painting Meetup group was headed to the Temperate House at the Missouri Botanical Garden this past Saturday afternoon. It was chilly outdoors but very comfortable inside the glass covered space that is filled with fountains, climbing green vines, palmettos, giant jade trees, ripe oranges hanging from tree branches and flowering plants of all types set within a classical garden that could easily be a set for a Shakesperean play. Fellow sketcher Brian Anderson organized the event and was on hand to snap photos of the happy artists having a great time. He was kind enough to post this one of me drawing with a Nomad brush on iPad. Happy holidays and best wishes to all my USK Midwest friends!
Classical Garden, Temperate House, 12/22/2012, Michael Anderson, Brushes3 for iPad.
Photo: Brian Anderson


  1. Michael, what a glorious place to sketch! I love what you've done...wish we had something similar close by, warm and beautiful.

  2. Thanks so much Kate. It is gloriosity come true for sketching during the winter months:)A favorite for sure. m

  3. Your drawing captures such a warm and welcoming interlude. It reminds me to go to the greenhouse in my town while it is cold and blustery outside.

    1. Thanks Marcia. A greenhouse is a great respite for winter sketching!

  4. Nice...looks tropical. Quite a different place from where I spent New Years.
