
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Drawing Exercise

I've been up north at a professional ski instructors clinic since the tail end of last week. Before I went north though I was back at Kalamazoo's Air Zoo for another morning of sketching.

This is nose wheel detail of a Navy T-28 that the museum has in its collection. The T-28 was a trainer for the Navy as well as being used by the other services for similar purposes. The plane is large and though I titled this post "Drawing Exercise" it was fun and challenging to work up this sketch. Lots of details with connectors, bolts, pumps, etc. in the nose wheel. The work also jogged memories of the short period of time after I was commissioned in the Air Force that I served as an aircraft maintenance officer. Good memories!


  1. I love the detail. With all the unsymmetrical yet precise machinery it's clear that the nose gear has many years of evolution in development. It's an engineering marvel.

  2. Well put, John, it is that! Obviously every piece has a very important function, AND it's beautiful.
