
Monday, March 11, 2013

Jazz & Sketches, Gregory Porter, St. Louis

Jazz vocalist Gregory Porter appeared for several evenings in January at Jazz At the Bistro, an intimate “listening environment."  Conversation is requested to be kept at a minimum prior to each performance out of respect for the artists and fellow audience members. My favorite new song of 2012 has to be his “Painted On Canvas”. The beautiful lyric and melody will resonate with urban sketchers everywhere. He is always pictured wearing a distinctive cap with a short bill that is tied beneath his chin and indeed he wore it the evening I drew this sketch.
Michael Anderson, 1/06/2013, Uniball Precise V7, pocket-size Moleskine, 5 ½” x 7”.
We are like children
We're painted on canvases
Picking up shades as we go
We start off with gesso brushed on by people we know
Watch your technique as you go
Step back and admire my view
Can you use the colors I choose?
Do I have some say in what you use?
Can I get some greens and some blues?
We're made by the pigment of paint that is put on
Our stories are told by our hues
Like Motley and Bearden
These masters of peace and life
Layers of color and time
Step back and admire my view
Can I use the colors I choose?
Don't I have some say what you use?
Can I get some greens with my blues?


  1. Thank you Michael for bringing Gregory Porter and this wonderful song to me with your introductory sketch. Great way to start a Monday. I've shared it to my Facebook wall.

  2. Michael...I love jazz and love your sketch. The drawing really conveys a sense of energy! Thanks.

    1. Thank you for your nice comment Dave! Gregory Porter is definitely worth checking out.

  3. Oh, that is NICE. What a terrific marriage of drawing and text.

    1. Thanks Kate. I really like the lyric Stand back and admire my view. m
