
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tucker Blvd. View, St. Louis

Finally a mild day! For the first time this year temperatures climbed above 70 degrees on Friday afternoon. Warm enough to break out the watercolors for some urban sketching. I "discovered" a park on Tucker Blvd. with a different view of the Civil Courts building  & several other sketchworthy views as well. Around me workers were completing street repairs and preparing for today's St. Patrick's Day parade.
Tucker Blvd. View, 03/15/13; Michael Anderson, waterbrush, watercolor on Canson 140lb cold press, 7" h x 9" w.


  1. Your brush marks make for a nice rhythm--purple branches against the rata tat tat of all those windows. Your weather must be several climate zones warmer than here. 70! We're going back into the single digits in the next few days!

    1. Weather turned cold again here too Marcia. Your great comments always are appreciated! m

  2. OH Michael, I envy you! I wasted that day in front of the computer, and now it's cold and gray again...

    I love this direct-watercolor approach, both simple and strong.
