
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Twelfth Night, St. Louis

Free Shakespeare in Forest Park resumed this weekend for its twelfth season with an appropriate comedy, Twelfth Night. Friday's opening night weather was cool but clear. The actors' performances are well crafted and very funny. A musical ensemble plays songs on stage as part of the story, a first for the festival. Also for the first time a special free Groundlings seating area directly in front of the stage is available on a first come first seved basis, a Globe Theatre tradition.  I am always struck by how many familiar phrases in Shakespeare plays remain part of the language. Twelfth Night contains examples such as "If  music be the food of love then play on" and "some have greatness thrust upon them."

This view is from the green seats close to the stage. The set features a tilted building facade and a tree silhouetted against a giant moon. Overhead a real and unusually bright "Super Moon" lit up the sky. I began the sketch prior to the performance and worked it until it was too dark to paint any longer. I heigthened some details with gouache in daylight the next day when I could actually see what I was doing.

Twelfth Night, 05/24/2013. Michael Anderson, Watercolor, goauche, pencil on Canson 140lb cold press, 7" h x 9"w.


  1. Great capture of changing light - sky, stage, audience.

  2. Michael, you really captured the excitement! I'd love to see that...

    1. Thanks Kate! Besides the setting, the professional acting and production the best part is its free.
