
Friday, August 2, 2013

Lunchtime Sketches

 I've been trying to spend part of my lunch hour drawing.  This particular sketch is of a small Italian grocery in the City Market in Kansas City.  They have great sandwiches and it is a very interesting little market.  From the table where I was eating, I could see this counter so between bites, this is what I drew. I did the drawing only from my seat and added the color later at home.
This too was a lunch hour sketch and again in small deli not too far from the City Market.  They have great sandwiches as well and the counter area is very appealing.  The kitchen area is back behind the counter and the smells in the place are great.  They have a wonderful Chicken Mufaletta that is very tasty.

These were the first two sketches in a new Stillman & Birn Beta Series sketchbook.  I am really liking the texture of the paper and my fountain pen with extra fine nib work very well in this book.  The watercolor washes go down well and don't create much buckling of the paper.  Great book!


  1. Really cool drawings. Being a nut for details, nice capture of all the neat little details of the market. Reminds me of a similar market in Ludington, Michigan.

  2. These are great, Don! Your use of color is enchanting.

  3. You're making me want to go eat at the Market! Beautifully done, Don!
