
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Urban Foraging's Bounty

On walks in our Cedar Falls, Iowa neighborhood, my husband I inevitably find things of interest to bring home. This late summer and fall there has been a bounty of fruit--peaches, apples, and pears, growing on public boulevards or in parks. It's free for the taking! (That's the way the squirrels relate to it to, too.) If we see a tree in someone's yard with its fruit dropping to the ground, we ask the property's occupant if we can pick. More often than not, they say yes. (They don't know what they're missing.) We might come back with a bucket, although we have come home with our pockets bulging. There's nothing better than locally grown fruit. 

Above, from the front going counter clockwise: a platter of peaches, a bowl of Macintosh apples, a casserole dish of pears, and a single green apple--all picked in the past week and collected on our dining room table.  
Peaches and Pits     

To the right, a crop of peaches harvested from a tree on my block and drawn in  mid- August.


Not related to urban foraging or fruit, but to the room--our dining room, here's a another view of it in winter. And like the one above, part of my Inside/Outside series.


  1. The bowl of peaches puts me in mind of Matisse! Beautiful!

  2. Wonderful year for produce, these are just gorgeous!

    1. Until this year, I never knew there were peach trees in the neighborhood, because they never produced. The pears were previously meager. And there's been the always dependable apples. But this year it's been a bonanza for all three.

  3. Also puts me in mind of Matisse as well as Cezanne, Bonnard & Vuillard! Such a nice sketch!
