
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Snow Fall

I spent the day manning the desk at the White River Gallery in Montague, Michigan. It wasn't busy so I sat near the front window and did this sketch looking out and down the street. It was quite beautiful with all the snow...the first time in years we've had this much on the ground this early. So, snow fall...a Christmas portrait. Happy holidays to all.


  1. Great how you captured the swirling snowflakes! Wonderful holiday picture! Best to you and yours, Dave!

  2. Such a beautiful wintry scene. Thanks for sharing it, and Happy Holidays!

  3. Your sketch of the snow is lovely but makes me feel cold as much as it is in the real. It's the best snow scene I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing

  4. After having just endured the blizzard of 2014 the energy of the blowing snow resonates with me. Nice capture and note!
