
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Virtual Sketchcrawl for April

It's that time again!

A sketchcrawl "in real life" is normally a group of art friends getting together to share the fun of sketching, wherever they are. In our small group, we meet up once a month on the 3rd Saturday, sketch a few hours, and then eat and share our sketches. Some groups are large, some are small, but we often wish we could meet with a larger pool of artists.

So since we are an online community, let's do a virtual sketchcrawl!

Let's meet up, wherever we are, to sketch! Then post to the Artist's Journal Workshop group with VIRTUAL SKETCHCRAWL or #virtualsketchcrawl in the title. We're here:

We're an big regional group, so any time of day you can manage it is fine.

Our regular in-real-life KC area sketchcrawl needs to be the NEXT weekend, the 25--sorry!

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