
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Here's an Opportunity to Put Your Art on the main USK Masthead

From Los Angeles Coorespondent Shiho Nakaza...

We are ready to feature more people on Urban Sketchers main blog flags
(masthead). This is open to any Urban Sketchers member or a
correspondent on either main blog and regional blog, so if you are an
admin for a regional group, feel free to pass the information along.

Please send the following to with subject line:
"Flag Material from (your name)":
- A high-resolution photo of you sketching, or a photo of sketchbook
page shown next to the background where you're sketching (photos from
smartphones are OK as long as they are at least 960 pixels wide)
- high-resolution scan of the sketch
- location of the sketch/photo (city, country)
- your website/blog/Flickr site with your location sketches

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