
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Urban Sketching as Historical Record...

I drew this little building on one of our sketchcrawls a few years ago, and I'm glad I's gone now, and new houses are in its place. 
All that was left standing of the old laundry in our town that employed a great number of people.  Now even that is gone.

And sometimes I sketch as a statement, or to express my disgust...Cooley Lake is one of my favorite places, a Missouri Department of Conservation wildlife preserve not far from Kansas City.  Even there, people leave their trash...and we pick up after them.


  1. I wish I could sketch trash as good as Cathy does!

    1. Make me giggle, Avidors! I do tend to focus on stuff like that...

  2. Great post, Kate. That first sketch had a big impact on me when you first posted it years ago. It was the first sketch I'd seen of a very mundane subject that looked so good. You convinced me that looking for a 'good' subject was silly and that, in fact, it was an interesting challenge to draw the mundane. I'm not as good as you are at doing so but I still aspire to that goal. Thanks --- Larry

    1. Larry, how cool, thank you for telling me that. Yes, I really enjoy the unassuming subjects, and now that that little building has gone I'm really glad I took time to draw it. And that YOU see the interest in small things now, too!

  3. I like this post as a reminder of the ever-changing urban landscape. For all the places in my town that I've drawn that then are razed and replaced for something supposedly better, there are the places that I intended to sketch but didn't get around to before they were taken down. ;-/

    1. Yes, I have too many like that, Marcia. The state just replaced two beautiful old bridges in our town...I MEANT to draw them, I did the one nearby that the City replaced, but I just never got around to it. The new ones are obviously safer but...I don't feel tempted to draw them.

  4. The ability to create art from the most random and varied subject matter serves the artist well. Inspiring!
