
Monday, May 30, 2016

To Windy to Sail...

Sunday afternoon it was way to windy to venture out of the slip to go sailing so I got out the art supplies and went to work.

This is a sketch of one of the marina buildings at Crosswinds where we keep our boat. Right to the left are a couple of boats that are still waiting to go in the water. If you look closely, between the boats, is a guy on a ladder waxing and polishing, trying to get his boat ready for launch. Doing the sketch was a great way to relax the afternoon away.


  1. Has another year gone by? This sketch recalls the post you did for the Urban Sketchers international blog on sailing Lake Michigan. The beginning of a new crop of boat drawings. Nice one, Dave.

    1. Marcia...agree, hard to believe we're back to June. We're racing the boat across Lake Michigan next week and heading for the north end of Lake Huron (the North Channel) around the 4th. We'll be gone about 6 weeks. I'll be drawing and shooting with the Nikon.
