Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Sketchcrawl last weekend!

I'm glad to see this old car is back in the lobby of the Elms Hotel after its extensive renovation--couldn't resist sketching it!  Still using just the primaries on this one...nice range of neutrals!

My pen was acting up on the I did more writing than usual.  and at right, Malinda's young one was playing with his tablet...he moved a lot!

As always, we had a lovely late lunch/early dinner and shared our work.  Kelly's friend couldn't join us, but it was a good group for lunch!
We missed Christiana and Bill and Vicky this time, but hoping everyone else will add their sketches!


  1. Your drawing of the Elms car shows it off as sleek and classy. I like how this drawing relates to Don's truck in his last post--by contrast, a real junker.

    1. Thank you! It has been lovingly restored and cared for.

  2. Which colors did you mix for the car's lovely neutrals? Gorgeous taupe!

    1. Those same three I'm playing with on Artist's Journal Workshop! Quin Rose, Phthalo, and a yellow...Hansa, I think.

    2. Exactly the three in my primary mix --- but I've had trouble getting this particular shade. Weird!

  3. Neat car...also really like the little one playing with the tablet. Also, any sketches from your recent fly in?

    1. Thank you! You mean the one last Sunday? We were out of town, Dave, so not this time--hated to miss it.

  4. That was a good day. It took me a while to figure out who took the picture. Then I noticed Joseph was gone! Mystery solved. Good man.

    1. I should have snagged a staff member so he could be in it too! And it WAS a good day, I'm always so pleased when you can join us.


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