It's Time Again - May's Virtual Sketchcrawl - May 23rd
A sketchcrawl "in real life" is normally a group of
art friends getting together to share the fun of sketching, wherever
they are. In our small group, we meet up once a month on the 3rd
Saturday, sketch a few hours, and then eat and share our sketches. Some
groups are large, some are small, but we often wish we could meet with a
larger pool of artists. (And yes, it IS the 4th Saturday this month, it got away from us.)
So since we are an online community, let's do a virtual sketchcrawl!
Let's meet up, wherever we are, to sketch! Then post to the Artist's
Journal Workshop group with VIRTUAL SKETCHCRAWL or #virtualsketchcrawl
in the title. We're here:
We're a big regional group, so any time of day you can manage it is fine!
Hosted by Cathy Johnson
Thanks for sharing this, Dave! And please feel free to join us, all!